
Showing posts from November, 2021

Finding a Contractor : No references

Call us, and ask for references.  We will be more than happy to give you names of happy customers and their contact information.  We always make sure the customer is okay with us sharing this information beforehand, so it will be acceptable if you make the call.

Finding a Contractor: No insurance

Contracting companies are required to have liability and worker’s compensation insurance and should have copies available for you on request.  Being told it is on the way, left in the other truck or any excuse why copies of insurance cannot be shown means a scammer in the making.  If something happens to one of the employees while on the job and they lack insurance, you are fiscally responsible.

Finding a Contractor: Advance payment

You are given a sweet deal on a paint.  The company asks you to forward them payment for materials or labor.  This is one of the biggest signs of a scam.  No reputable company will expect pre-payment.

Finding a Contractor: Company vehicle

A good contractor will have some sort of a company vehicle or trailer with the name clearly on the side.  If someone randomly comes to your home and offers to work but lacks any signage, politely decline.

What’s the Ideal Way to Prevent Growth of Fungi, Mold, and Algae?

One significant issue those spores cause is staining. Fungi, algae, as well as mold never appear great, yet if they’re left for too long, they’ll leave stains on your natural stone. Mold is particularly ugly because of how dangerous it is. Those growths form once humidity and moisture blend together. From that point, those spores will start causing problems on the stone.

Benefits of Staining your Deck - Resists Moisture Absorption

The right wood stain is vital for helping your deck’s wood keep moisture at bay, and in the wintertime, this is particularly important, as all moisture seeping into the wood freezes and causes damage to the boards. Winter doesn’t have any shortage of moisture, and now is the right time to ensure that the wooden deck of your home is protected from it with a solid, strong seal that is applied by an experienced professional.

Benefits of Staining your Deck - Better Appearance

Routine staining is an excellent method of enhancing the look of your wooden deck and makes sure it continuously looks as good as the day you first built it. Deck stains are available in a wide array of different tints and colors; therefore, whether you’re searching for something slightly natural looking to highlight the wood’s grain, or you’re on the lookout for something to fully transform the appearance of your wood, there’s an option available that will suit your needs.

Benefits of Staining your Deck - Prevention of infestation and rot

Routinely staining the deck will help to significantly improve its lifespan by assisting in preventing infestation and rot. Wood stain assists in sealing the deck against moisture, as well as intrusion from pests, helping you to avoid expensive issues such as mildew, mold, and wood rot which might otherwise cause deck areas to crack, sag, and possibly collapse if the damage gets bad enough.

DIY Residential House Painting Nightmare

Multiple factors may help point in the direction of a pro if you are undecided about painting the exterior of your home. If you lack skills, materials, and experience, hiring it out might be the best choice. The risks related to exterior painting alone are sufficient enough to contact a professional, especially if you’re worried about your safety in terms of lead paint or two-story homes. In those cases, consulting an expert can not only alleviate any lingering concerns, but also offer reassurance that the task will be done correctly. Here are three top reasons why exterior house painting is best left to the pros:  You do not have exterior house painting experience Irrespective of how much homework or research you have done, the odds of a poor outcome is high for beginners who tackle this kind of job. A high-quality exterior paint job will take a lot more than merely the right paint color and materials; it also takes skill and technique that only experience will bring. Without the ...